3-23-25 "A Life Pleasing To God"
Meet Pastor Keith Johnson
"To Live is Christ and to die is gain..."
As a pastor of nearly a decade, a husband for over 30 years and a father for 29 years, God has blessed me with this life. I have the privilege of teaching the Word of God for a living and bringing along others in this journey. And yet, as this verse in the book of Philippians says, this life is not the ultimate goal. To one day be with my Savior is gain; that is the ultimate goal. At the Chapel, we welcome you with our whole heart.
The Chapel of Christian Faith is about "loving people into a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ
Serving God in The Villages, Florida

I'm New Here. Tell me about your services
We worship each Sunday at 9:40 a.m. We are a non-denominational church welcoming people from all different church backgrounds.

Connecting with us is so easy
Connecting can be stressful. Our friendly staff and members welcome you and help you to fit right in. We have ministries waiting just for you.

Sermons available each week
Whether you want to listen or watch, we have sermons published each week so that you never miss an important message.