September 22, 2024

9-22-24 “Save, Secure, Now What?” (Partial, See Notes Below) (Click To Go To Video)

Passage: Ephesians 2:10


We apologize for the inconvenience. We experienced a power outage ten minutes into this sermon. The outage erased the opening and the first point of this message.

The opening and the first point were a review of the last two weeks. It set the stage to discuss this week’s message, which is God’s individual purpose for each child of His. That is, each person, who has trusted alone in Christ alone as the only way to God the Father, your best life now and an eternal home in heaven.

The review went back to the last two messages:

Two weeks ago, the message was on sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. This message clearly explained how we can share the gospel with simplicity and clarity. In other words, how can one be saved.

Last week we asked and answered the question, can I lose my salvation? In that message we examined what God’s Word says on this matter. While some refer to it as “assurance” we chose the term “eternal security”. The final passage we examined was John 5:24 where Jesus says,

“I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life” (NIV). In other words, when we trust in Jesus, eternal life is given. We “have” eternal life. And those who have eternal life will not face condemnation. Why? They have crossed over from death to life.

So, the first point was a review. We are saved, we are secure. So, the question is, now what? That is, does God have any plans for us? Ephesians 2:8-9 clearly state that we are saved by grace. John 5:24 states that the grace that saved us is the grace that keeps us. But keeps us for what? Ephesians 2:10 reveals that God does have a plan and purpose for you. Please join me as we hear what the Lord wants you to know.

Keith Johnson, Pastor

Chapel of Christian Faith